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Re: Please be serious - Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Solution to Spam

On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 11:51:40PM +0200, Claudio Allocchio wrote:
> Sorry, but I can just suggest anybody wishing to give a serious
> contribution to visit:
>    http://www.irtf.org/charters/asrg.html
> which is the corrrect study group, forum etc who is facing the problem
> quite seriously now. Anybody wishing to contribute, is welcome.

Sorry, but I cannot support this.

There have already been requests to shut down the group entirely, because
of the style the group treats proposals and viloates the IRTF charter.

And sorry, but a discussion lasting some 100 mails and faces the topic
if HTML encoded emails should be classified as spam or not and under
what circumstances it might classify anyhow will not solve the problem.
Neither will a working group where industry driven (C/R vs. crypto vs.
...) interests interfere so much and are so strongly argued over, which
is clear because the/those method(s) proposed as result of the group will
bring big bucks to the cash boxes of that particular company.

A group that wipes out proposals because they badly affect 0.01% or less
of all Internet users but celebrating techniques that require protocol
changes, software changes and new administrative mechanisms and break
e.g. mailing lists and forwards completely I cannot take serious.

Have a nice weekend,


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