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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Solution to Spam

>> [...]
> You quite clearly have issues with reading comprehension, which makes
> me doubt you work for any ISP.

Look, these ad-hominems are getting _awfully_ tiresome.  Can't you
please stick to the arguments instead of attacking the people?  (It
might also help our perception of you if you learned to spell, or, if
you already have that ability, you started using it when writing here.)

>>> Yesterday, in excess of 500 ISPs were contacted and informed about
>>> the system.  The response has been unbelievable to say the least
>>> with 90% reporting immediatly that they would adopt such a system.
>> Sorry, but I am sure this is a lie and I will stick to that until
>> proved otherwise.
> What?  Is it so difficult to email 500 companies???  Really!

No; it's difficult to get 90% of 500 companies to respond immediately
(here meaning less than one day) to anything.

> I should know the procedure [for creating an RFC] very well by now,
> since I been involved in the production of a quite a number of RFCs.

Which ones?  I'd like to look up your past work.  (I wouldn't need to
ask, except that I don't see the McCarron name credited in the RFC
index, nor in any of the RFCs I have online - which is most of the ones
available online.)

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