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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Solution to Spam

On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 05:23:08PM +0000, Mark McCarron wrote:
> >"The security, stability and reliability of a computer system is reciprocally
> >  proportional to the amount of vacuity between the ears of the admin"
> Mark's response:
> Maybe you should have yourself tested sometime.

Maybe I should ... but maybe you should:

*> From: Mark McCarron [mailto:markmccarron_it(-at-)hotmail.com]
*> Sent: 26 December 2000 21:43
*> [ ... ]
*> Not one of your sites dedicated to the Stone Circles knows what they
*> mean. They are not what you beleive they are.
*> They are attempts at communication by an advanced civilisation, this has
*> been proved within the last few weeks.  My site is about breaking this
*> gentley.
*> On second thoughts, forget it, I think you have all travelled to far
*> down the road of mystical non-sense to be shown the truth.
*> Within the next few months a major international science team will be
*> taking over research and all ancient sites will be sealed off.
*> Your all about to look really silly,
*> Mark.


So I am sure you made contact to an advanced civilisation via the Stone
Circle and they told you about the advanced anti-spam system, right?


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"The security, stability and reliability of a computer system is reciprocally
 proportional to the amount of vacuity between the ears of the admin"

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