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Archived Policy Proposals

The policy proposals on this page have been archived. You can see at a glance if they were accepted and adopted by the RIPE community or withdrawn at any stage.

Archived Date:
July 2011
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: This proposal lays out guidelines for how LIRs can receive Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) certificates over their IP Resources and how these certificates should be maintained.

Reason for withdrawal: After carefully following the discussion in the Concluding Phase of the Policy Development Process, the proposer is of the opinion that consensus on this proposal is not possible within the RIPE community. As a consequence, the proposer has decided to withdraw the proposal.

Archived Date:
May 2011
Working Group:
Anti-Abuse Working Group

Summary: This is a proposal to introduce a mandatory reference to irt objects in the inetnum, inet6num and aut-num objects in the RIPE Database. It provides a more accurate and efficient way for abuse reports to reach the correct network contact and helps reporting institutions to find the correct abuse contact information more easily.

Reason for withdrawal: A task force is working to solve the implementation issues pointed out by the proposal discussion. The possible policy consequences will be considered with a new proposal in the future.

Archived Date:
March 2011
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: This is a proposal to create a policy allowing for the allocation of IPv4 address space after the depletion of the IANA IPv4 address pool.

Reason for withdrawal: It was agreed with the proposer that the lack of community feedback and the impossibility of the proposal becoming globally accepted due to recent developments in the global PDP at the time were sufficient reasons to have it withdrawn.

Archived Date:
February 2011
Working Group:
IPv6 Working Group
Summary: This proposal had two purposes: to create a new policy that defined the use of new attributes in the RIPE Database and to change the policy text of ripe-481 to require the use of these new database attributes.
Archived Date:
January 2011
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group
Summary: This proposal described how the RIPE NCC should distribute address space from its last /8 worth of IPv4 address space.
Archived Date:
January 2011
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: This proposal aimed to clarify an ambiguous definition in ripe-451 regarding the requirements to join an IXP.

Reason for withdrawal: The editorial text change proposed will be discussed in the Cosmetic Surgery Project

Archived Date:
November 2010
Working Group:
Anti-Abuse Working Group

Summary: This proposal suggests to have the minimum assignment size for PI assignments to be a /24 when routing is a major issue for a multihoming End User.

Reason for Withdrawal: The proposer decided to withdraw the proposal based on the feedback received at RIPE 61. A task force will be organised to solve the implementation issues pointed out by the proposal discussion.

Archived Date:
November 2010
Working Group:
Anti-Abuse Working Group

Summary: This is a proposal to add a reference to sponsoring LIR in inetnum, inet6num and aut-num objects to increase the possibility of abuse tracking and handling.

Reason for Withdrawal: The proposer decided to withdraw the proposal based on the feedback received at RIPE 61. A task force will be organised to solve the implementation issues pointed out by the proposal discussion.

Archived Date:
November 2010
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: This was a proposal to require documentation of all address resources held when assessing a RIPE NCC member's eligibility for further IPv4 address space.

Reason for Withdrawal: Proposer decided to withdraw the proposal.

Archived Date:
October 2010
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group
Summary: This proposal is to solve the ambiguity in the current wording of the IPv4 Allocation Policy (ripe-492) regarding the "80% utilisation" rule.