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Archived Policy Proposals

The policy proposals on this page have been archived. You can see at a glance if they were accepted and adopted by the RIPE community or withdrawn at any stage.

Archived Date:
August 2010
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: With the depletion of the IANA free pool of IPv4 address space, the current policy regarding the allocation of IPv4 address space to the RIRs will become moot. The RIRs may, according to their individual policies and procedures, recover IPv4 address space. This policy provides a mechanism for the RIRs to retro allocate the recovered IPv4 address space to the IANA and provides the IANA the policy by which it can allocate it back to the RIRs on a needs basis. This policy creates a new global pool of IPv4 address space that can be allocated where it is needed on a global basis without a transfer of address space between the RIRs.

NOTE: In October 2010, ICANN announced that the NRO deemed the global policy proposal abandoned due to differences in the global proposal texts among the RIRs. Hence this proposal, although regionally accepted, will never be globally implemented. The ICANN announcement is available online at:

Archived Date:
July 2010
Working Group:
Routing Working Group

Summary: This is a proposal to introduce a new registry that augments IRR data with the formally verifiable trust model of the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) and provide ISPs with the tools to generate an overlay to the IRR which is much more strongly trustable.

Reason for Withdrawal:
Proposers decided to withdraw the proposal.

Archived Date:
July 2010
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group
Summary: This proposal would have modified the RIPE Policy Development Process to create a new state that is specific to global policies. This state was "Accepted pending consensus in other RIR communities." This would have allowed a global policy to be further discussed in the event that modifications are made in other RIR communities after acceptance in RIPE

Reason for Withdrawal: Proposer decided to withdraw the proposal based on the feedback received at RIPE 60.
2008-06: Use of final /8
Archived Date:
April 2010
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group
Summary: This proposal describes how RIPE NCC should make allocations from its last /8 worth of address space at the time of total depletion of the IANA free pool.

Reason for Withdrawal: Authors decided that they want to make a new proposal (see 2010-02).
Archived Date:
April 2010
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group
Summary: The last IPv4 /8 that the RIPE NCC will hold is proposed to be dedicated to facilitate deployment of IPv6. Allocations and assignments from this block will be made based on demonstrated need, but the size will be downscaled taking into account existing transition technologies (for example dual-stack lite, NAT464, successors of NAT-PT). The proposed minimum allocation size is to be a /27 for such allocations and assignments.

Allocations and assignments from this block will also be justified by demonstrating that the requirements of the transition plan as specified in RFC 5211 are met.

Reason for Withdrawal: Authors decided that they want to make a new proposal (see 2010-02).
2009-03: Run Out Fairly
Archived Date:
December 2009
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: This is a proposal to gradually reduce the allocation and assignment periods in step with the expected life time of the IPv4 unallocated pool in order to address the perception of unfairness once the pool has run out. The proposal is not intended to stretch the lifetime of the unallocated pool. The proposal is independent of other proposals to reserve address space for transition purposes and/or new entrants. It can be implemented independently of these.

Archived Date:
September 2009
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group
Summary:The IPv6 address allocation policy currently contains mandates about how an allocated address range should be announced into the routing table. Following discussion at RIPE 58, it is proposed that this is removed from the address policy as it does not relate to address allocation.
Archived Date:
September 2009
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group
Summary:This proposal is to allow LIRs to receive IPv6 PI assignments in addition to an IPv6 allocation.
Archived Date:
September 2009
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: According to the current global policy (ripe-416), IANA will cease to make any distinction between 16 bit and 32-bit only ASN blocks by 31 December 2009, when making allocations to RIRs. This proposal is to extend this date by one year, to 31 December 2010.

Archived Date:
July 2009
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group
Summary: This proposal sets out how the RIPE NCC can allocate/assign resources to itself.