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The ncc-services-wg Archives
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Starting: Thu Sep 3 08:18:33 CEST 2009
Ending: Fri Sep 25 14:08:09 CEST 2009
Messages: 40
- [ncc-services-wg] Independent Resource procedure and implementation Daniel Suchy
- [ncc-services-wg] Independent Resource procedure and implementation Andy Davidson
- [ncc-services-wg] Independent Resource procedure and implementation Andrea Cima
- [ncc-services-wg] Independent Resource procedure and implementation Max Tulyev
- [ncc-services-wg] PI/ASN contracts Max Tulyev
- [ncc-services-wg] Independent Resource procedure and implementation Daniel Suchy
- [ncc-services-wg] Independent Resource procedure and implementation Daniel Suchy
- [ncc-services-wg] PI/ASN contracts Daniel Suchy
- [ncc-services-wg] Independent Resource procedure and implementation Gert Doering
- [ncc-services-wg] Independent Resource procedure and implementation Daniel Suchy
- [ncc-services-wg] reviewing and developing requirements for NCC services Jim Reid
- [ncc-services-wg] Independent Resource procedure and implementation Sander Steffann
- [ncc-services-wg] reviewing and developing requirements for NCC services Daniel Suchy
- [ncc-services-wg] Independent Resource procedure and implementation Daniel Suchy
- [ncc-services-wg] PI/ASN contracts Hank Nussbacher
- [ncc-services-wg] voting on AGM Hank Nussbacher
- [ncc-services-wg] voting on AGM Axel Pawlik
- [ncc-services-wg] voting on AGM Hank Nussbacher
- [ncc-services-wg] voting on AGM Jim Reid
- [ncc-services-wg] reviewing and developing requirements for NCC services Jim Reid
- [ncc-services-wg] voting on AGM Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet
- [ncc-services-wg] LIR portal unreachable Daniel Suchy
- [ncc-services-wg] reviewing and developing requirements for NCC services Daniel Suchy
- [ncc-services-wg] Unplanned LIR Portal Downtime: Incident Report Tim Bruijnzeels
- [ncc-services-wg] Unplanned LIR Portal Downtime Tim Bruijnzeels
- [ncc-services-wg] LIR Portal Downtime: Incident Report Tim Bruijnzeels
- [ncc-services-wg] Country index gone? Hank Nussbacher
- [ncc-services-wg] Country index gone? Adrian Bedford
- [ncc-services-wg] Deprecation of "rev-srv:" attribute completed Denis Walker
- [ncc-services-wg] Change to NIC handle usage in the RIPE Database Denis Walker
- [ncc-services-wg] Re: [db-wg] Change to NIC handle usage in the RIPE Database Shane Kerr
- [ncc-services-wg] LIR Portal PI doesn't work Max Tulyev
- [ncc-services-wg] LIR Portal PI doesn't work Trudy Prins
- [ncc-services-wg] LIR Portal PI doesn't work Hank Nussbacher
- [ncc-services-wg] LIR Portal PI doesn't work Max Tulyev
- [ncc-services-wg] LIR Portal PI doesn't work Max Tulyev
- [ncc-services-wg] LIR Portal PI doesn't work Trudy Prins
- [ncc-services-wg] Agenda Items for RIPE 59 - NCC Services WG Sanghani, Bijal
- [ncc-services-wg] LIR Portal PI doesn't work Trudy Prins
- [ncc-services-wg] RIPE NCC Services Working Group - Draft Agenda Sanghani, Bijal
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