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Re: DDoS tracking WG

At the RIPE meeting last week more than one participant observed
that there is a need for reform of (at least) the EOF in order
to attract more "router people" to RIPE and the meetings.

In the meantime feel free to use the EOF list for discussion
on operationally relevant topics. It is an open list.

On the subject of DDoS mitigation: This is more complex than 
it looks. I remember an effort 10 years ago to improve NOC-NOC
communications in general and to facilitate the exchange of
tickets in particluar. The people involved were all well-meaning
and very enthousiastic. Still it was not very successful. 
At the end-of-the-day a NOC will listen to its customers and
talk with its peers (most of the time). Any attempt to break
that pattern is an up-hill struggle. It may be worthwhile but
it needs to be very convincing to stand a chance. 

Still there are areas worth improving:

- general alert on major events
- facilitate peer-peer communication
- ??????

Both RIPE (the chair) and the RIPE NCC are looking for people
to liven up the EOF and tackle worthwhile things.

A few of us are also collecting high quality technical presentations
for the Barcelona meeting in May.


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