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Preliminary Programme RIPE EOF Barcelona 12/13.5.2003

The European Operators Forum (EOF) at RIPE 45 will have a quite
interesing programme with an emphasis on Internet Routing. 
Presentations will include 

	- Kurt Lindqvuist on the impact of major changes 
          at an exchange point (Stockholm);

	- Harsha Narayan on the inlfuence of 
          address space allocation on routingl;

	- Stephen Kent will give us a comprehensive introduction 
          and overview of Secure BGP.

Further we will have a report on the impact of DNS root/TLD
servers on DNS service quality based on actual lab measurements by
Rickard Dahlstrand.  Also there will be at least one opinionated
"Food for Discussion" presentation which should spawn a good debate. 

We will publish a more detailed programme in a couple of weeks time. 
The important thing to take note of for your travel plans:

 ** The EOF will start on Monday 12th of May in the morning **

We aim for a good mix beteen strategic long-term and tactical "hands-on"
content.  Thus we are looking for a few more presentations from
practising network operators.  See below for more information on
presenting.  We are also very open for suggestions on what you would
like to hear about.  We will do our best to solicit interesting
presentations on subjects suggested to us. 

See you all in Barcelona on the 12th and 13th of May.

For the EOF "Coordination Group"

Daniel Karrenberg



The European Operators Forum (EOF) exists for the exchange of Internet
operations experience.  It has evolved from the "information exchange"
part of the early RIPE meetings to provide an open forum outside of the
work programme of the working groups and the RIPE plenary.  The EOF aims
to attract presentations relevant to network operators, practical
"hands-on" reports, outlines of future developments and small tutorials. 
Product marketing presentations are not appropriate, user experience
reports are.  The EOF programme is assembled by an informal coordination
group that is always looking for new people who are able to help by 
attracting interesting presentations and supporting presenters.  
Contact: Daniel Karrenberg <daniel.karrenberg@localhost

Presenting at the EOF

The EOF wants to attract practical hands-on experience reports. 
We aim to make turning interesting experience into a presentation
as easy as possible. Consider the following:

- presentations do not have to be long
  Something interesting can be said in as little as 10 minutes. 
  This limits the time spent to prepare material and often is a good way
  to start for first-timers.

- support is available
  We will do our best to support you in preparing your presentation.
  If you want, we can help structuring your material, help to polish 
  language and arrange for a test-run of your presentation. We can also
  try to arrange for someone from the same country or region to support
  you if that is helpful. We can also help you find someone else to
  present your material in case you cannot make it to the meeting.
  In short: If you have something intersting to say, we will help you do it!
  Contact Daniel Karrenberg <daniel.karrenberg@localhost for more information.

- no product marketing presentations
  The EOF is *not* an appropriate forum for product marketing presentations.
  User experience reports which are presented by users are definitely relevant.
  In-depth technical presentations or tutorials are also possible.

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