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Re: DDoS tracking WG


I don't understand the concept and need of euronog.

Jan Czmok czmok@localhost writes:

> Why not using the euronog working groups for general work and the
> outcome of this discussions, ideas, tools can be presented at the 
> ripe meetings. 

What does "euronog" give that EOF and eof-list cannot do?

> Using this approach, we would assist RIPE and their community
> and still have the freedom to try our ideas and share our thoughts.

How exactly does RIPE limit your ideas and stop you from sharing

> What does RIPE EOF think about this ? We should discuss about this,
> since NOT every one is RIPE member and still valuable in the community.

I would like to see EOF get life. You don't have to be RIPE member to
participate. However, surely every serious network operator is.


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