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[anti-spam-wg@localhost] Spamming banana

For heaven's sake guys, get a grip on yourselves.

"Mark McCarron", aka "Angel of Death" (gimme a
break) has turned this august list into a spam
haus.  The guy's obviously a total a banana,
just a low down wannabe publicity hound (and
hey, I should know - I kinda fancy him).  As
Leo has pointed out, everyone knows the web
preceeded the net by decades, so what's he
doing conflating them so concatenationwisely,
huh?  Wasting everyone's time, that's what.

Time to buy a few of those Niagra pills that
nice man in the US of China keeps offering me
in my spambox and we can piss him off real good.

Better yet, we could invent the killfile.  Ha!

It says here "Select Signature", so I have:

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