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[anti-spam-wg@localhost] Re: Solution to Spam

May I just suggest a visit the the following:


which is the place where the problem is being studies from both a
technical and administrative perspective?

You will find there many topics which passed into this mailing lists in
the last days, including ideas on how to "remake" the SMTP service etc.

As a "research" working group, it is the place where, in case, a new
technical specification will be suggested to the IETF, and promoted
operationally over the whole internet.

Your contribution there is also welcome!


Claudio Allocchio             G   A   R   R          Claudio.Allocchio@localhost
                        Project Technical Officer
tel: +39 040 3758523      Italian Academic and       G=Claudio; S=Allocchio;
fax: +39 040 3758565        Research Network         P=garr; A=garr; C=it;

           PGP Key: http://www.cert.garr.it/PGP/keys.php3#ca

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