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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Solution to Spam

On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 02:35:52PM +0000, Mark McCarron wrote:
> Well, that's very strange.  Everyone has suddenly gone VERY quiet.  No one 
> found any holes in the 'GIEIS' system?  For those of you who haven't seen it 
> you can go here:
> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/giza.necropolis

Ok, since you are soliciting comments...

You said:

| There would only be several thousand entries in the database, hardly a 
| major    thing.

"Several thousand entries" is a _very_ small number.  We could
easily have several thousand mailservers just in a single town.
Therefore, it looks like you are planning to have only _major_
organizations listed there, and nothing else.  Therefore, a large
number of mail servers will not be listed on the GIEIS.
Of course, the majority of them will not use your tranmission protocol 
and keep sending via simple SMTP.

How would you handle those?  We are certainly not going to do
anything to obstacle or just delay those deliveries, because our customer
base does not want that --- not even one minute delays.

Also you said:

| if it exceeds given tolerances the messages are marked as spam and deleted

We are not going to "mark and delete" a message, ever.  Any solution
which does that has zero chance to be adopted by us.
We always reject the SMTP transation so that the sender is informed
and can open a case with us if he/she wishes to do so.

[ Incidentally, we are quite happy with the way we are blocking spam
  right now, to the point that we can dedicate a significant amount of
  resources to the removal of spammers from the Internet -- a quite
  different job than blocking spam.  So I can consider only deployment
  of slight refinements to our current system at this point. Systems
  like DMP or SPF would certainly be qualified ].

furio ercolessi

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