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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Solution to Spam

Well, that's very strange. Everyone has suddenly gone VERY quiet. No one found any holes in the 'GIEIS' system? For those of you who haven't seen it you can go here:


Yesterday, in excess of 500 ISPs were contacted and informed about the system. The response has been unbelievable to say the least with 90% reporting immediatly that they would adopt such a system.

The paper is now being turned into an RFC, to be released VERY soon.

Mark McCarron.

> OK, you all doubt that spam can be stopped.

I don't think we doubt that - for example, shutting down email entirely
would stop spam very effectively.

What we, or at least I, doubt is that spam can be stopped without also
destroying at least one of the attributes that makes email such a
valuable (and important) medium of communication.

>> How does blocking things on the web stop e-mail spam?

Don't forget, this is someone who's been posting from nothing but
webmail accounts, and who seems to be ready to enforce a rather
artificial client/server split between MUA and MTA, one that he seems
convinced exists in all cases now.  It wouldn't really surprise me if
he didn't quite grok the difference between HTTP and SMTP.

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