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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts

On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 20:50:41 +0000, leo vegoda wrote:
>Does this mean that a single organisation would:
>> - issue address space;
> - investigate reports of its misuse ('misuse' to be defined);
> - judge what action should be taken if misuse is proved;
> - and finally, enforce that action? 

Yes, just as an ISP issues a userid to a customer, and withdraws
it if the customer abuses his service
>Is this legal? In any country?

Sure.  Nothing makes it illegal.   In the case of contracts,
it is just obedience to contract law.   In the case of private
organizations like churches or social clubs, there may be 
legislation.   Or maybe not.

>>and offer comments for improvement.  
>You should have a Legal Considerations section.

Yes, I in fact do but it is primitive.  I'd welcome help here.

Jeffrey Race

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