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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts

Dr. Jeffrey Race jrace@localhost writes:
>bOn Monday, 3 February 2003 14:46:22 +0100, leo vegoda wrote:
>>Who will investigate and admonish? What legal authority will they
>>Who will give them this authority? In which jurisdictions will the
>>authority be valid?
>The universal rule proposed is that anyone controlling Internet 
>Resources (as defined, I welcome improvements) is responsible for
>preventing their abuse and sanctioning those who abuse by
>of the resources.  

Does this mean that a single organisation would:

 - issue address space;
 - investigate reports of its misuse ('misuse' to be defined);
 - judge what action should be taken if misuse is proved;
 - and finally, enforce that action? 

Is this legal? In any country?


>and offer comments for improvement.  

You should have a Legal Considerations section. 


leo vegoda (writing for himself)
"One size never fits all"
RFC1925 - The Twelve Networking Truths

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