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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Proposal: list of unassigned IP space

FE> I was wondering whether there is a way to know, by automatic methods
FE> and on a (say) daily basis, what are the IP blocks in the RIPE area
FE> which are not assigned to anyone at present, as far as the registry
FE> knows.  If not, I propose to make such a list available.  People could 
FE> download it and use it to filter mail, or nullroute, or whatever.

Are you aware of RtConfig whcih is part of the IRR Toolset?
( http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/pub-services/db/irrtoolset/index.html )

RtConfig is used to generate router configurations (or parts thereof)
based on the "whois" info.  As such, it is concerned with routing aspects
only and focusses on proper "route objects" in the whois database.  It is
not concerned about inet-num objects which document ("should document")
end-user assignments.  Nevertheless, it might serve you as a good model
for, say, a mail filter based on whois checks.

							Martin Neitzel

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