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Re: Children of ORBS

Quoting Jesus Sanz de las Heras. CSIC/RedIRIS who wrote on Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 01:24:37PM +0200:

> Until now and after 2 years I've been using MAPS services about all: RSS,RBL 
> and DUL. After the change of MAPS policy I've been testing the new lists ORDB, 
> ORBL and ORBZ (chlidren of ORBS). I'm using ORDB and  I think that ORDB
>  is a very good alternative to RSS of MAPS. 
> I'm surprised with ORBZ and its new concept of multi-stage relay. Is a 
> good iniciative but for now I'm scared  to use it.

I asked for that option to be switched off on the mailserver at work
(where I do read the logs but I don't change the config without asking
the right person in the group of admins). It started rejecting mail from
demon.co.uk mailservers because one of those mailservers was used as
an outgoing relay by a spamrelay customer.  Blocking mail from several
tenthousand users because one user has an open relay within that network
is overkill in my opinion.

>   What do you think about  these new black lists?  Some of you are using 
> them ?

MAPS sees adding an IP to its list as a last-resort measure. ORBS already
started to see adding an IP to its list as a measure because the owner of
said IP looked at ORBS funny[1]. This morning I noticed in the maillogs
that mail from an IP hosted by cybercomm.nl was rejected because some
other unrelated IP at cybercomm.nl is used by a known spammer, which
feels to me like a witchhunt for spammers.

[1] way to short and bad summary of all the flamewars about ORBS.

                                     Koos van den Hout

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