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Re: Children of ORBS

On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 01:24:37PM +0200, Jesus Sanz de las Heras. CSIC/RedIRIS wrote:
> ORBL and ORBZ (chlidren of ORBS). I'm using ORDB and  I think that ORDB
>  is a very good alternative to RSS of MAPS. 

You may also want to check out http://relays.osirusoft.com/

The problem now is that we are going to see too many block lists (either free
or per subscription).  I think we may even reach to a point where there will
be so many that we will not be able to evaluate which is going to meet the
site's needs.

[ adding to my fear is the fact that I am in the process of implementing such
a list myself :-) ]
Yiorgos Adamopoulos               -- #include <std/disclaimer.h>
mailto: Y.Adamopoulos@localhost -- Network Operations Center, NTUA, GREECE

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