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Re: Children of ORBS

On Wed, Aug 29, 2001 at 01:24:37PM +0200, Jesus Sanz de las Heras. CSIC/RedIRIS wrote:
> I'm surprised with ORBZ and its new concept of multi-stage relay. Is a 
> good iniciative but for now I'm scared  to use it.

Isn't it the same concept that ORBS implemented?
It is hardly a new concept.  Incidentally, multistage open relays
are also handled by MAPS: they go into RBL.

>   What do you think about  these new black lists?  Some of you are using 
> them ?
> http://www.ordb.org
> http://www.orbz.org
> http://www.orbl.orb

Note that ORBL corresponds to an "output" zone, while ORDB
corresponds to an "input" zone.  So ORBL is more aggressive 
than ORDB in terms of policy; however ORDB is more aggressive 
in the search for open relays, and in fact is now well over

I do not have direct experience with any of them. We are
MAPS subscribers and stick with them, but the real primary reason 
for staying with RSS/RBL for open relay blocking is the requirement 
of actual spam samples by MAPS.  They are very useful to us, when 
explaining the reason for a block to a non-technical person (a 
customer of us, or his/her correspondant using the open relay).
Still, using RSS takes significant human resources to an ISP
and we do a lot of whitelisting on a systematic basis 
in order to be able to continue with it.

furio ercolessi

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