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Children of ORBS

Hello friends,

Until now and after 2 years I've been using MAPS services about all: RSS,RBL 
and DUL. After the change of MAPS policy I've been testing the new lists ORDB, 
ORBL and ORBZ (chlidren of ORBS). I'm using ORDB and  I think that ORDB
 is a very good alternative to RSS of MAPS. 

I'm surprised with ORBZ and its new concept of multi-stage relay. Is a 
good iniciative but for now I'm scared  to use it.

  What do you think about  these new black lists?  Some of you are using 
them ?



Jesús Sanz de las Heras         	E-mail: jesus.heras@localhost
RedIRIS/CSIC                            Tel:	+34 91 585 51 38
Serrano 142                             Fax:    +34 91 585 51 46
E-28006 Madrid		      		
- Red Academica y Científica española (http://www.rediris.es/) -

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