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Re: Getting open smtp servers fixed

On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 04:49:44PM +0300, Esa Laitinen wrote:
> If I find out about an open smtp relay, which is the proper way of reporting
> it, or is there? People here have said that notifying them about open relay is
> spamming. Lets take that for granted. So, if I cannot notify by mail, should I
> start calling by phone?

Two issues:

1. It is another thing finding an open relay in my network for some reason
   (may it be just luck, curiosity, spam directed to you from it, etc) and a
   *totally* different one scanning the whole of IPs administered by me (or
   my colleaques) in order to find possible relays.  The latter is my job,
   not yours.  Depending on how I do it, I get paid or not ;-)

2. If you know of an open relay, reporting it to some address is not spam.
   Assume this though:

   Someone scans the whole of 147.102. (.ntua.gr) and finds let's say 150
   open relays.  Since this is an automated procedure, postmaster@localhost or
   noc@localhost gets 150 informative emails.  This is spam.

Yiorgos Adamopoulos               -- #include <std/disclaimer.h>
mailto: Y.Adamopoulos@localhost -- Network Operations Center, NTUA, GREECE

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