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Re: has been listed by ORBS

Esa Laitinen wrote:
> It has been discussed that people responsible for MAPS might be on the
> take from uu.net, 'cause they haven't blocked them out. ORBS, OTOH, is
> based on technical things, ie. if uu.net doesn't have open relays there
> is no case to block them (since blocking happens because of having open
> relay).

I think that blocking should occur on spamming, not on open relays. 
UUNET is guilty for allowing spamming, not for open relays.  So, what
we're gonna do ?  We'll block open relays, but we'll still have spammers
due to ISPs like UUNET.  Don't you see that the problem is somewhere
else ?  I used here UUNET just as example, there are many other more
ISPs with such "relaxed" policies.

Corneliu Tanasa

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