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Getting open smtp servers fixed

It has been argued that doing pre-emptive scanning for open smtp relays is a
bad thing. I can understand the rationale behind this, so let's not get into
this. I have another question to ask you.

If I find out about an open smtp relay, which is the proper way of reporting
it, or is there? People here have said that notifying them about open relay is
spamming. Lets take that for granted. So, if I cannot notify by mail, should I
start calling by phone?

Why I'd like to notify the ISP as well is that too often the postmaster mailbox
of the machine isn't read by anybody. In this case the ISP might have interest
to educate the customer.

Esa Laitinen  	             If I cannot reply to your news or mail
                             message with reply, you won't get my answer.
http://www.decus.fi          Why try to hide away from spam, why not fight
http://www.iki.fi/laitinen   it? http://www.mcs.com/~jcr/junkemaildeal.html

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