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Re: has been listed by ORBS


Corneliu Tanasa wrote:
> What do you suggest ?  To replace the small spammers with OFFICIAL

They are not "official spammers".  They notify you about serious 
configuration problems on your end.

(It's only a configuration problem because Spammers abuse open relays,
but nevertheless, closing the relays is the ONLY way to slow down 
Spammers -- and save your resources by not giving them to Spammers --
and thus, you do want to know if you have open relays).

> I can't get your point.  Why notify me ?  

You're only notified if you're listed as contact person in the RIPE
(or some other IRR) database

> Why not notify just the server itself ?

They do.   When one of our customers was found to be vulnerable, they
were notified (to "postmaster@localhost") and I got a copy 
as well (being listed as tech-c:).

> I'll give you an example:  ORBS had sent such
> notifications both to me as the local registry and also to to owner of
> the domain.  I really think that this is SPAM.

No.  You're responsible for network abuse done by your customers.

> By the other hand, I am just the administrator of the IP space and also,
> as I said, I see no reason to be responsible for some dial-ip user that
> has a SMTP daemon installed on his W95.  

If your customers abuse the net, you will be blaimed -- it's not easy
to contact individual customers, but it IS easy to contact the ISP in
question to stop net abuse.

> So, peoples, if possible, please be more than engineers, be humans and
> think twice before doing something.  And Gert, if you've got "a couple
> of mails", I can send you my 30+ such emails and also their copies to my
> users. 

I can't do anything about it -- you can.  For example, do not allow
incoming SMTP connection from "the Internet" to dynamically assigned
IP addresses.  Or educate your users.

Gert Doering
        -- SpaceNet NetMaster
SpaceNet GmbH             Mail: netmaster@localhost
Frankfurter Ring 193a     Tel : +49-89-32356-0
80807 Muenchen            Fax : +49-89-32356-299

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