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Re: has been listed by ORBS

Gert Doering wrote:


What do you suggest ?  To replace the small spammers with OFFICIAL
SPAMMERS ?  I can't get your point.  Why notify me ?  Why not notify
just the server itself ?  I'll give you an example:  ORBS had sent such
notifications both to me as the local registry and also to to owner of
the domain.  I really think that this is SPAM.
By the other hand, I am just the administrator of the IP space and also,
as I said, I see no reason to be responsible for some dial-ip user that
has a SMTP daemon installed on his W95.  If we keep in mind that all the
dial-up addresses are allocated dynamically, it is easy (for an open
mind) to understand that this activity (ORBS) even if it has good
intentions is not what Internet needs.  Such automated things, I think
that will make a lot of trouble (see the discussion yesterday on this
list) when they are made thinking on just SOME of the technical matters.

So, peoples, if possible, please be more than engineers, be humans and
think twice before doing something.  And Gert, if you've got "a couple
of mails", I can send you my 30+ such emails and also their copies to my
users.  As I said, before doing something, you (and others) better think
twice.  All of us are concerned by SPAM and we understand that we have
to do something and also, there are peoples that are really working on
this (I mean that now we have the support to filter the e-mail, to stop
relaying, and so on).  

So I repeat my question, why don't they do something against the big
ISPs that are allowing SPAM ?  Just because they are too big ?  I think
that half of the SPAM that is filtered by my servers is originated on
their sites (do I have to repeat such names ?).

And another question ?  Is this ORBS the peoples they're claiming to be
?  It seems that they are using the same tools like those abusers that
are probing the network to find relays.  How do I now that this activity
is not made just to aquire additional data for that "software" used by
all the spammers ?  However, I don't like liers, and they are saying
that someone "reported" spam from certain smtp servers..., but we all
know that it is an automated tool (used also by spammers) that is
probing for relays.

That is all I had to say, have a nice day

Corneliu Tanasa

> Hi,
> please don't send your complaints to the RIPE list.  Better spend your
> time explaining to your users that they really don't want to run open
> relays.  If they fill your mailbox, that's GREAT, it's good for everybody
> if they make so much noise that people start doing something about it.
> I got a couple of mails today as well, so I spent my time fixing those
> customers' mailers, and the net result is a less spam-prone Internet.
> gert
> Corneliu Tanasa wrote:
> > ORBS wrote:
> >
> > Dear Sirs,
> >
> >
> > The thing you're doing is just to add some dial-up users to your lists
> > and of course SPAMMING ME.  Please keep in mind that I have 10,000 IP
> > addresses in administration.  I hope that you'll be so kind and you'll
> > stop this, otherwise until tomorrow my mailbox will be full and believe
> > me that my happiness will end there.  I think that your attitude will
> > have to be discussed somewhere.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Corneliu Tanasa
> > Network Administrator
> >
> > >
> > > If you are not a technical contact for the system at,
> > > please make sure you forward this message to someone who is.
> > >
> > > This note is to inform you that the SMTP server at
> > > has been added to the Dorkslayers Open Relay Blocking System.
> > >
> > > ORBS is an automated relay listing system.  Your system was reported
> > > to our site as permitting third-party SMTP relay.  Normally,
> > > such a report would be made because someone received spam relayed
> > > through your server.
> > >
> > > However, this is not necessarily the case.  What is known for sure is
> > > that your server failed a third-party relay test and has been added to our
> > > open relay list.
> > >
> > > Your server will remain on our open relay list, which is used by a fair
> > > number of sites to restrict incoming E-mail, until such time
> > > as it is fixed and reported to http://www.dorkslayers.com/orbs/closed1.cgi
> > > as being fixed.  At that time we will remove your server from the
> > > relay list and then test it again for third-party relay.
> > > If it has indeed been fixed it will be removed from the list
> > > permanently.
> > >
> > > In summary:
> > >
> > >  - your server has a security problem
> > >  - this problem has most likely resulted in your server being used to relay spam
> > >  - your server has been placed on a list which will result in all
> > >    E-mail sent from it being blocked by some sites
> > >  - you can easily get off the relay list by fixing the problem
> > >    and reporting that fact to our web site
> > >
> > > You can get more information on ORBS by visiting our web site at
> > > http://www.dorkslayers.com/orbs/
> > >
> > > Thank you for your attention to this matter.
> > >
> > > Sincerely,
> > >
> > > orbs@localhost
> >
> Gert Doering
>         -- NetMaster
> --
> SpaceNet GmbH             Mail: netmaster@localhost
> Frankfurter Ring 193a     Tel : +49-89-32356-0
> 80807 Muenchen            Fax : +49-89-32356-299

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