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Re: Draft Agenda for WG meeting at RIPE31

    	    What about address lists, i.e. is owning the address CD legal?
    	    Is selling the address CD legal? What about creating it?
    	CD's with addresses are a normal commercial commodity.
    Since few months we have in Poland a law about collecting
    personal data, registering such collections and rules of
    collecting. It is very beginning and probably nobody tried
    to use this law in Internet area. I was reading he law and
    I think such CD collections are illegal in pl.
I don't think so. Since many years we have privacy laws
in Holland, even a Registration Chamber watching over
these things: each and every database containing even
minimal personal info has to be registered with them
and *must* meet certain criteria. Collections of just
name/address/city are not considered privacy-sensitive,
since you can find this information in e.g. every phone
book. Collections of name/address/city data are widely
used and sold commercially. I doubt whether that would
be much, if any, different in PL.
    	You can maintain your own blacklists, as long as you
    	keep them to yourself and don't share them with others.
    	If you would, you'd very likely have to prove in court
    	that customer X of ISP Y did violate *your* acceptable
    	use policy, where X is not a customer of yours and you
    	gained the knowledge about X only from ISP Y.
    What is forbidding sharing the blacklist?
Nothing is really *forbidding* it. But as explained,
you'd very likely encounter big legal problems if you


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