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Re: ES [Was : Anti-spam ...]

josema wrote:

But the IBERNET administrator can cut the smtp port for the companies
that refuse to accept the anti-spam policies.  Here, in Romania, I'm
working like this.  If I'm receiving complains about one of the ISPs
connected to our network and if the local admins refuse to apply the
anti-spam policies, then I'm cutting their smtp port until they decide
to do that.  I know that this sounds a little nazi, but it worked so

Corneliu Tanasa

>         Hello
>         I worked in TTD and leave only two weeks ago, so i know the
> matter. Adenet and Futurnet have been informed during *months* (specially
> adenet company) that they are been used as relays for mail spamming.
>         Unfortunately, there is no Aceptable use policy in the National
> Company, Telefonica, so you can inform users and companies conected, but
> you can't force them to change thier configuration or their software.
>         More about this; even when the main provider, ibernet.es/ttd.net
> is informing customers (mainly companys and ISPs) there is nobody
> dedicated to spammimg issues, and the mail arriving to the usual abuse,
> hostmaster, etc is redirected to the end-complany.
>         TTD is the biggest provider for Internet connectivity in Spain
> today. The academic network is another realm, of course. Pedrol and
> dionisio are out of the day to day operations; there are not valid
> operational contacts. You should contact hostmaster@localhost or
> hostmaster@localhost but as I said before, spam fighting is nobody's
> work. They will do their best (as i did, until recently) but ibernet
> hostmaster cannot force companies to change their sendmail configuration,
> not can go and change it for himself.
>         Regards
>                 Jose Manuel de ARce
> On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, Jacques VIRCHAUX wrote:
> > At 08:48 02.09.1998 +0200, you wrote:
> > >It seems like an increasing number of spam Mail Relay now uses hosts
> > >in Spain (.es), most often Sun with native/naive sendmail. Using RIPE
> > >whois-info doesn't seem to get through, at least there is no response.
> > >
> > >If this list happens to contain .es ISPs it would be highly appreciated
> > >if you spread the Do Not Relay info to customers (and competitors) by
> > >whatever means have the best effect.
> > >
> >
> > It seems that Spain has really not live contatc from the NIC.ES via
> > the TTD.NET provider ! Invalid email addresses and forwarding errors
> > for my complaints about ADENET.ES and FUTURNET.ES relays is not
> > acceptable !
> >
> > I have also sent a complaint to ATT-UNISOURCE, connecting Spain to
> > ask them do forward my complaints.
> >
> > Now all my complaints about spams from the both mentionned sites are
> > sent to dionisio@localhost, pedrol@localhost who seems the
> > people 'responsible' at TTD. I also have fax an entire spam message to
> > NIC.ES as they do not react (maybe they cannot understand another
> > language than spanish).
> >
> >
> > Jacques VIRCHAUX                     Til.: +41 21 693 45 11
> >   EPFL - SIC          _|_             Fax: +41 21 693 22 20
> > 1015 Lausanne   ______(*)______   E-mail : Jacques.Virchaux@localhost
> >

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