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Re: ES [Was : Anti-spam ...]

    But the IBERNET administrator can cut the smtp port for the
    companies that refuse to accept the anti-spam policies.
    Here, in Romania, I'm working like this.  If I'm receiving
    complains about one of the ISPs connected to our network and
    if the local admins refuse to apply the anti-spam policies,
    then I'm cutting their smtp port until they decide to do that.
    I know that this sounds a little nazi, but it worked so far.
Then you're effectively creating black holes, and you're
causing problems all over the Internet: "host unreachable"
can be due to *any* network problem at *any* place along
the route and really is no substitute for a clear error
message saying that mail to or from host X or domain Y is
blocked due to spamming. Users getting their mail bounced
after Z days will have no idea what the hell is going on,
nor will most of the sysadmins.
And apart from that: how does one get off your blacklist
and who guarantees that one gets off the list *as soon as*
the problem is fixed?


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