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Re: ES [Was : Anti-spam ...]


On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, Corneliu Tanasa wrote:

> But the IBERNET administrator can cut the smtp port for the companies
> that refuse to accept the anti-spam policies.

	Ibernet is a private company and there is no mention of this kind
of penalizations for network abusein the contract. That is what i wanted
to say before, if there is not an Acceptable Use policy, you cannot cut
one customer SMTP port.  They will sue you, or they will change company
(after suing you)

>  Here, in Romania, I'm
> working like this.  If I'm receiving complains about one of the ISPs
> connected to our network and if the local admins refuse to apply the
> anti-spam policies, then I'm cutting their smtp port until they decide
> to do that.  I know that this sounds a little nazi, but it worked so
> far.

	If you have told them before: "this are the rules", you can cut
and do what you want. If the rules are made in a day by day basis, some of
the ISP can complain, and they will be right. They have some rights also.


			Jose MAnuel de ARce

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