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Anti-spam [was : ES ...]

Jacques Virchaux wrote :
> Why not ask TEN-34 (or ATT-UNISOURCE) to filter these domains :
>    adenet.es    194.224.98.x
>    futurnet.es  195.76.98.x
> and then just help the whole academic community (or more).
> Why not proceed the same way with others unable to work in the mutual
> respect of the Netiquette ?

I think we do not need one more black list. It is dangerous to exchange
black list without a black list policy definition including security
of the black list itself, definition on how to take some domain out of
the black list, definition of citeria to put some domain in black list

To day's black list are not secure and they contain many
no-spammeur domains. Publishing black list on a Internet provider group
may exclude some one from Internet for many kind of reason except for
spamming (as an example, you propose to filter some domains (I haven't
any way to verify why thoses domains must be filtered and even I can't
be sure that this proposition is posted from who you say you are).

Putting someone in a word wide black list can be extremly prejudicial
for a person who can take legal proceedings. etc etc.

Many other topics about anti-spam would be usefull in this list except
listing of spammeur's domains.

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