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All Current RIPE Documents

  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Annual Report For 1999

    ripe-207: RIPE NCC Annual Report For 1999

    RipeDocument annual report
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Recommendations for DNS SOA Values

    ripe-203: This document gives recommendations on which values to use for the SOA resource record of small, stable DNS zones to aid novice administrators and to contribute to DNS stability and efficiency.

    RipeDocument dns
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Routing Information Service

    ripe-200: This document discusses the Routing Information Service (RIS), a project proposed as a new activity of the RIPE NCC in the RIPE NCC activity plan for 1999 and 2000.

    RipeDocument ris
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Annual Report 1998

    ripe-194: RIPE NCC Annual Report 1998

    RipeDocument annual report
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Simple DNS Configuration Example

    ripe-192: Simple DNS Configuration Example

    RipeDocument dns
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE CENTR Proposal

    ripe-177: This document aims to propose goals of and a structure for the RIPE Council of European National Top level domain Registries (RIPE CENTR), if such an organisation should be started.

    RipeDocument internet governance
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Internet Delay Measurements Using Test Traffic, Design Note

    ripe-158: This document discusses the test traffic project proposed as a new activity in ripe-144. The document gives an overview of the project, discusses the implementation and mentions a couple of points that have to be addressed in future design documents.

    RipeDocument ttm
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Annual Report 1995

    ripe-139: RIPE Network Coordination Centre Annual Report 1995

    RipeDocument annual report
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Quarterly Report, Issue 8, March 1994

    ripe-116: RIPE NCC Quarterly Report, Issue 8, March 1994

    RipeDocument annual report
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Taking Care Of Your Domain

    ripe-114: This document tries to show how important it is to have DNS properly managed, including what is already in place to help administrators taking better care of their domains.

    RipeDocument dns