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All Current RIPE Documents

  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Measuring The Resource Requirements Of DNSSEC

    ripe-352: We measured the effects of deploying DNSSEC on CPU, memory and bandwidth consumption of authoritative name servers. We did this by replaying query traces captured from and in a controlled lab environment.

    RipeDocument dnssec
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    De-Bogonising New Address Blocks

    ripe-351: This document describes an improvement to the notification process for new blocks of address space being distributed by the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Annual Report 2004

    ripe-346: RIPE NCC Annual Report 2004

    RipeDocument annual report
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Policies For Allocation of IPv4 Blocks to Regional Internet Registries

    ripe-344: This document describes the policy governing the allocation of IPv4 address space from the IANA to the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

    RipeDocument iana ipv4 address policy global policy
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Annual Report 2003

    ripe-323: This is the 2003 RIPE NCC Annual Report

    RipeDocument annual report
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Annual Report 2002

    ripe-287: RIPE NCC Annual Report 2002

    RipeDocument annual report
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Hostcount in the 21st Century

    ripe-271: This memo proposes a new direction for how the RIPE NCC collects data and published statistics.

    RipeDocument ripe ncc
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Distributing K-Root Service by Anycast Routing of

    ripe-268: This memo proposes to distribute the DNS service provided by across multiple locations in the Internet topology. It discusses the motivation for and the principles of implementation. A first inventory of detailed issues is provided in an appendix.

    RipeDocument k-root
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Annual Report 2001

    ripe-232: RIPE NCC Annual Report 2001

    RipeDocument annual report
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Annual Report 2000

    ripe-218: RIPE NCC Annual Report 2000

    RipeDocument annual report