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Confirmation of the Legacy Holder for Requesting Changes in the RIPE Registry

(Legacy Holder details)
Legal Organisation Name
Legal address
Registration Number, Registration Authority

Whereas [Name of legacy holder] (hereafter ‘Requesting Organisation') confirms that:

  1. The Requesting Organisation is the legitimate resource holder of the legacy Internet resources [insert legacy Internet resources] (hereafter “Legacy Internet Resources”) and has the right to request the RIPE NCC to update the registry data of the Legacy Internet Resources in the RIPE Registry.
  2. [Name of the undersigned person] as [position being held or relationship to the Organisation] is duly authorised to make this request and sign on behalf of the Requesting Organisation.

The Requesting Organisation:

  1. Requests that the following Legacy Internet Resource object(s):

    [insert the Legacy Internet Resource object(s) as it/they appear(s) in the RIPE Database]

    Shall be updated as specified here below:
    [insert the attributes that should be altered, added or deleted and the corresponding values]

  2. Allows the RIPE NCC to remove any deprecated or irrelevant attributes from the legacy Internet resource object(s).

  3. Acknowledges, confirms and accepts that:

    3.1. All information and documentation provided by the undersigned or any other person on behalf of the Requesting Organisation with regards to this request is true, accurate and up-to-date.

    3.2. The RIPE NCC reserves the right to revert all changes made to the relevant Database registration objects in case any of the information and/or documentation provided in connection with this request is subsequently found by the RIPE NCC to be substantially incorrect, falsified or misleading.

    3.3. The RIPE NCC and its Management Team shall not be responsible and cannot be held liable for any direct and/or indirect damages, including damages to the Requesting Organisation's business, loss of profit, damages to third parties caused due to the compliance with this request by the Requesting Organisation or the ongoing maintenance of the relevant database registration objects in accordance with this request.

    3.4. The Requesting Organisation shall indemnify the RIPE NCC against any and all third party claims filed against the RIPE NCC in relation to compliance with this request.

On behalf of the Requesting Organisation
Name of authorised person
Authorised by
