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Archived Meeting Summaries

  • Community / Working Groups / Working Group Chairs
    RIPE 70

    Okura Hotel – Amsterdam, the Netherlands 14 May 2015I. Welcome/IntroII. Enjoying a RIPE MeetingIII. Administrative/Technical Overview of RIPE 70IV. Update on the RIPE PC <-> WG Chairs WorkflowV. Additional Way to Participate on WG DiscussionsVI. RIPE 71 Meeting PlanVII. Post RIPE 70 WG Chairs Call?V

  • Community / Working Groups / Working Group Chairs
    RIPE 69

    Summary of the RIPE 69 Working Group Chair Meeting

  • Community / Working Groups / Working Group Chairs
    RIPE 68

    Summary of the RIPE 68 Working Group Chair Meeting

  • Community / Working Groups / Working Group Chairs
    RIPE 67

    Summary of the RIPE 67 Working Group Chair Meeting

  • Community / Working Groups / Working Group Chairs
    Task Force Proposal on "Procedures to Deal With the Tenure of RIPE Working Group Chairs"

    The Working Group Chairs Meeting at RIPE 67 established a task force to review a document concerning the tenure of RIPE WG chairs.
