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Working Group Chair Biographies

This page shows the biographies of the RIPE Working Group Chairs. You
can also review the full list of active working groups.

  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Achilleas Kemos

    Cooperation WG Chair Biography

    Page wg chair bio
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Ben Cartwright-Cox

    Routing WG Chair Biography

    Page wg chair bio
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Bijal Sanghani

    RIPE NCC Services WG Chair Biography

    Page wg chair bio
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Brian Nisbet

    Anti-Abuse WG Chair Biography

    Page wg chair bio
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Christian Seitz

    Christian Seitz is a co-chair of the IPv6 Working Group

    Page wg chair bio
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    David Tatlisu

    Database WG Chair Biography

    Page wg chair bio
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Desiree Miloshevic

    Cooperation WG Chair Biography

    Page wg chair bio
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Doris Hauser

    Doris Hauser is a co-chair of the DNS Working Group

    Page wg chair bio
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    Ignas Bagdonas

    Routing WG Chair Biography

    Page wg chair bio
  • Community / Working Groups / Active Working Groups
    János Zsakó

    RIPE NCC Services WG Chair Biography

    Page wg chair bio