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FAQ: Test Traffic Measurements

  • Analyse / Archived Projects / TTM
    We changed our filter rules, what should we check?

    Telnet to the box and check if you still see lines starting with RCDP there. Then contact TT-Ops and inform them about the change. The Test Box operators at the NCC should check: RCDP data files continue to collect data Other boxes continue to receive data from this box Operational mai

  • Analyse / Archived Projects / TTM
    What are "monitoring ranges"?

    Customers can specify ranges of IP addresses which may access the Test Box. In other words, "monitoring ranges" can be defined as a kind of "permit access-list" for allowing source hosts access to the measurement device. TTM operators are naturally included in the

  • Analyse / Archived Projects / TTM
    Why do I receive alarm messages?

    If the the delay between two Test Boxes changes significantly, then an email will be sent to the operators of those boxes. The alarm uses a "long-term average, short-term average" (LTA-STA) algorithm, which compares certain percentiles and medians for a 30-day interval

  • Analyse / Archived Projects / TTM
    We received an invoice but something is wrong.

    For technical questions about invoices, such as: We need more information before we can pay, The invoice was sent to the wrong person, There is a mistake in adding up the various amounts, Can you send us a new copy of the invoice, please contact us by email at [email protected]. If you believe t

  • Analyse / Archived Projects / TTM
    Why did you include VAT on our invoice?

    Even though most customers in the EU are do not have to pay VAT, local regulations force us to charge VAT unless they have provided us with a valid EU VAT number. To avoid being charged VAT at all, please mail us your EU VAT number. If your organization is exempt from VA
