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    Regional Internet Registry Joint Statement on ICANN Evolution and Reform

    The Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) will use a two part response to ICANN's calls for input to ICANN's evolution and reform process. The initial response will enumerate a set of principles that the RIRs believe should frame the interaction between ICANN and the RIRs.

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    ICANN and RIR Relationship Agreement

    As RIPE NCC members are aware, the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) have been working together for some time on the production of a relationship agreement, or contract, between the RIRs and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). There is now

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    Notice Concerning Contract between ICANN and the Regional Internet Registries

    The Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) have reached the position in the drafting of a contract between the RIRs and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) where there is a draft contract that represents agreement between the RIRs and ICANN on matters of roles, responsi

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    The RIPE NCC response to the ICANN reform proposal document

    Dear Stuart,With great interest we have read your latest report "ICANN - The Case forReform".As we have said numerous times, the RIPE NCC supports the drive to returnto ICANN's core tasks, the coordination of Internet resources on atechnical level. Thus we see a number of promising points in yourpro

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    Third ASO General Assembly Meeting

    ICANN ADDRESS SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION ASO General Assembly Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2002 Bangkok, Thailand CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS AND PARTICIPATION The Address Council of the Address Supporting Organization has announced the third ASO General Assembly meeting, to be held on Tuesday,

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    Investigation Of Suspect Routes

    A problem was recently reported to us regarding a suspicious route object that perhaps should not have been in the RIPE Database.

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    Memorandum of Understanding ICANN Address Supporting Organization

    1. Purpose and Scope The Address Supporting Organization (ASO) is a consensus-based advisory body within the ICANN framework. The ASO will establish a "Address Council" and host an annual open meeting (the "General Assembly"). The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MO

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  • About / News
    Memorandum of Understanding ICANN Address Supporting Organization

    Second Draft, 6 October, 1999 (1) Purpose and Scope (a) The Address Supporting Organization (ASO) is a consensus-based advisory body within the ICANN framework. (b) The ASO will establish a "Address Council" and host an annual open meeting (the "General Assembly"). (c) The purpose o

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    RIPE NCC Announces Chosen Members for the Address Council of the ICANN Address Supporting Organisation (ASO)

    Amsterdam, The Netherlands -- 5 October 1999 The RIPE NCC (Réseaux IP Européens Network Co-ordination Centre) announces the members selected from the RIPE NCC service region to serve on the ICANN ASO Address Council. The selection took place at 34th RIPE Meeting held from 22-24 September 1999 in A

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    Memorandum of Understanding ICANN Address Supporting Organization

    First Draft, 1 September, 1999 (1) Purpose and Scope (a) The Address Supporting Organization (ASO) is a consensus-based advisory body within the ICANN framework. (b) The ASO will establish a "Address Council" and host an annual open meeting (the "General Assembly"). (c) The purpose of this Memorandu

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