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News and Announcements

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    RIPE NCC Announces Selected Member for the Address Council of the ICANN ASO

    The RIPE NCC is pleased to announce the new representative selected from the RIPE NCC service region to serve on the ICANN ASO Address Council. The selection took place at the RIPE 43 Meeting held from 9-13 September 2002 in Rhodes, Greece and follows an open Call for N

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    Synchronous Updates in the RIPE Database

    About Syncupdates Syncupdates is the facility of the RIPE Database to enable updates synchronously, meaning the result is returned immediately to the user. In the other method, asynchronous updates, the update is e-mailed to the server, and the result is e-

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    Early Registration Transfer (ERX)Project

    We completed the transfer of ASN Registrations in 2002. When the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) was formed in December 1997, it inherited the InterNIC database of existing IP addresses and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) as well as the responsibility to maintain t

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    Confirmed Nominees for Representatives to the ASO Address Council 2002 - RIPE NCC Service Region

    Candidate Statements: Wilfried Woeber - Vienna University Address Council Selection Process The process for the selection of a nominee to serve on the Address Council will involve an open election. The election process will be held during the plenary session of the RIPE 43 Mee

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    "MAIL-FROM" No Longer Valid - Clean-up Phase

    Starting from 11 July 2002 MAIL-FROM authentication scheme in the mntner object is not valid anymore. On 19 August 2002 mntner objects containing MAIL-FROM authentication scheme will be automatically modified so that "auth:" attributes specifying this scheme are removed as being no longer valid. Th

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    Regional Internet Registries' Submission to the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform

    1. Introduction The Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) jointly undertake the role of management of IP number resources through the allocation of IP number resources to network operators and Local Internet Registries. This managerial role is in support of the ultimate requirement within the Internet

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  • About / News
    2002 Nominations for Representatives to the ASO Address Council - RIPE NCC Region

    The RIPE NCC is pleased to announce the new representative selected from the RIPE NCC service region to serve on the ICANN ASO Address Council. The selection took place at the RIPE 43 Meeting held from 9-13 September 2002 in Rhodes, Greece and follows an open

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  • About / News
    Anti-Spam Filtering Policy for the RIPE Database Mailboxes

    The Customer Support mailbox is [email protected] This mailbox can be used for questions about using the RIPE Database. Messages not explicitly directed to [email protected], that is, not containing this email address in "To:", "Cc:" or "Resent-To:" fields of the mail header, are considered to b

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  • About / News
    Phasing Out of the "MAIL-FROM" Authorisation Scheme

    Contents 1. What is going on with my maintainer? a. Who will be affected? b. What is happening and why? c. Migration timeline 2. What must I do to continue using my maintainer? 3. Details a. Weaknesses in "MAIL-FROM" b. Community process c. Other alternatives d. Links for mor

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  • About / News
    New Ticketing System for [email protected]

    Questions and requests directed to the RIPE Database Administration ([email protected]) will be processed using a ticketing system starting from 6 May 2002.

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