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    Prototype of RPSLng RIPE Database Server

    The RIPE NCC provided an RPSLng prototype RIPE Database server at, port 53001. It held a snapshot of the RIPE Database and could be updated by sending an email. This database was for test purposes only. Updates to this prototype were not made in the 'real' RIPE Database and were n

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    RIPE Database dbupdate

    Announcement date: 24 April, 2003 The Database Group at the RIPE NCC has been working on restructuring the dbupdate program. This is the part of the RIPE Whois server that processes update requests from users. Benefits The main goal has been to improve the acknowledgement messages that users receive

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    RIPE Database - Clean-up of unreferenced person objects

    Introduction The primary function of the person records in the RIPE Database is to document the contact people for IP address space, Autonomous System Numbers, or routing-related records. While all the data in the RIPE Database can be viewed publicly, unnecessary public dispersal of the informatio

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    Fourth ICANN ASO General Assembly Meeting

    Date: Thurday, 24 April 2003 Venue: Radisson Royal Santiago Hotel Santiago, Chile CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS AND PARTICIPATION The Address Council of the Address Supporting Organisation has announced the fourth ASO General Assembly Meeting, to be held on Thurday, 24 April 2003 in Sa

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    RIPE NCC Offers Members LIR Portal

    20 January 2003 - The RIPE NCC announces the release of the RIPE NCC LIR Portal. This new service will help reduce delays by providing LIRs increased access to the RIPE NCC via a web interface. The beta testing of this service started at RIPE 43 in September 2002. In addition to managing registry da

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    IPv6 and the RIPE Database

    The RIPE Database server supports IPv6 Whois queries. Client software that supports IPv6 is available for use. Client You can query the RIPE Database using a IPv6-enabled Whois client.  If your system does not already have one, you can download the RIPE Whois Client he

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    Early Registration Transfer [ERX] Project

    Transfer of Networks in 129/8 Transfer Process | Procedure for a /8 | Timeline | List of Networks in 129/8 Following from the work of the ERX Task Force in October, the four RIRs will begin a test transfer on Monday, 9 December 2002. The objective of the tes

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  • About / News
    Clean-up of References by Name and Other Invalid References

    Invalid references in the RIPE Database cause unnecessary overhead in Database administration and development of the RIPE Database software. A proposal has been put forward to clean up specific invalid references. Following approval by the Da

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    RIR Blueprint for Evolution and Reform of Internet Address Management

    Preamble The ICANN Evolution and Reform activity has been regarded by the RIRs as a timely initiative on the part of ICANN. Not only has this process offered ICANN itself the ability to objectively reassess its objectives and reassess the means to effectively and effici

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    Regional Internet Registries

    The ICANN Reform Process The following is a series of mails exchanged between the ICANN Board, the ICANN ERC (Evolution and Reform Committee), the president of ICANN and the Regional Internet Registries. To: Vint Cerf, Alejandro Pissanty, Stuart Lynn From: APNIC, ARIN, RIPE NCC S

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