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News and Announcements

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    First Middle East Network Operators Group (MENOG) Meeting in Bahrain

    The Middle East Network Operators Group (MENOG) will hold its first meeting between 3 - 5 April 2007, at the Diplomat Radisson SAS Hotel in Bahrain.

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    Global Root Server System Stands Firm Against DDoS Attack

    Overnight attempts to disrupt global computer traffic were foiled in part thanks to the RIPE NCC managed K-root server.

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    RIPE NCC Accepting Requests for 32-bit Autonomous System Numbers

    We are pleased to announce that on 1 January 2007, the RIPE NCC began accepting requests for 4-byte (32-bit) Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs). Assignments come from the range: 3.0 - 3.1023. The request form and supporting notes are available in the RIPE Document Store at:

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    The Internet Pavilion: Where Participation Makes the Difference

    Hong Kong: 5 December 2006 - The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced on Tuesday that the Internet community organisations that enable the processes for Internet development and administration will partner at ITU Telecom World 2006 in Hong Kong at the Internet Pav

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    Bahrain Meeting Will Bring Together Internet Experts to Discuss Regional Issues

    Experts from industry, government and regulators will discuss effective management of IP address space, networking and building cooperation across the Middle East

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    Dave Wilson Takes Seat on NRO Number Council

    4 October 2006 - Dave Wilson of HEAnet has been nominated from the RIPE NCC service region to take the vacant seat on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council (NC). The election came ahead of the end of a term served by Sabine Jaume, who was elected in January 2004. Voting took pl

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    RIPE 53 Meeting Opens in Amsterdam

    2 October 2006 - The 53rd RIPE Meeting starts today in Amsterdam. The five-day event sees Internet service providers, network operators and other interested parties from Europe and the surrounding regions gather at the Krasnapolsky Hotel. Together they will discuss Internet policy. To encour

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    RIPE NCC NRO Number Council Candidates Announced

    22 September 2006 - Sabine Jaume Rajaonia and Dave Wilson have accepted their nominations for the vacant seat on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council (NC) from the RIPE NCC service region. Sabine currently holds the seat and has done so since previous NRO NC elections in Janu

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  • About / News
    RIPE Database and DNS Management Update

    We have updated the RIPE Database and DNS management system to implement several new features. The change in the RIPE Database: There is a new syntax for the "nserver:" attribute in the DOMAIN object to support IPv4 and IPv6 glue name servers. The changes in the DNS management system:

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    Removal of specific records of personal contact information

    In accordance with developments in personal data privacy issues and the discussions during the RIPE Database Working Group during the RIPE 39 meeting in Bologna, the RIPE NCC will be carrying out a removal of certain specific records of personal contact information from the RIPE Database.

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