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News and Announcements

  • About / News
    Launching the RIPE NCC Academy

    The RIPE NCC is pleased to announce the launch of the RIPE NCC Academy, a virtual learning environment that allows you to take courses and obtain certificates online.

    NewsItem training ncc services e-learning ripe database news announcement
  • About / News
    RIPE Community Selects CRISP Team Members

    Following an open call for community volunteers, the RIPE Chair, Hans Petter Holen, has confirmed the appointment of two individuals from the RIPE community to the Consolidated RIR IANA Stewardship (CRISP) team.

    NewsItem ripe internet governance internet coordination iana stewardship transition news
  • About / News
    Wilfried Woeber Appointed to NRO NC

    Wilfried Woeber was appointed to the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) by the RIPE NCC Executive Board.

    NewsItem aso news
  • About / News
    RIPE NCC General Meeting November 2014

    The RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) was held 5-7 November 2014 adjacent to the RIPE 69 Meeting in London.

    NewsItem general meeting executive board news
  • About / News
    ICANN 51: Continuing Global Discussion of IANA Stewardship and ICANN Accountability

    The 51st ICANN meeting was held in Los Angeles, USA, from 11-16 October 2014, with questions surrounding the IANA stewardship transition and the accountability of ICANN driving much of the agenda.

    NewsItem news icann iana stewardship transition internet governance
  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Member Update: Issue 28

    The RIPE NCC Member Update: Issue 28 is available for download.

    NewsItem ripe ncc news member update membership
  • About / News
    The RIPE NCC Disables SSLv3 Encryption For Its Services

    The RIPE NCC disabled SSLv3 encryption for most of its services following a report last week about a bug that allows an attacker to compromise the encryption under certain conditions.

    NewsItem news security
  • About / News
    Executive Board Resolution on Continuity of Services to all RIPE NCC Members

    The RIPE NCC provides important services to a membership spread across a diverse geographical and political region. The Executive Board of the RIPE NCC believes that the means of communication should not be affected by political discussions or disputes. This includes the provision of correctly regis

    NewsItem executive board news membership announcement
  • About / News
    IANA Stewardship: Draft RIPE Proposal Published

    An initial working draft of the RIPE community proposal on IANA stewardship has been posted to the RIPE Cooperation Working Group mailing list.

    NewsItem iana stewardship transition news
  • About / News
    Updated Registrations For Two Legacy /8 IPv4 Address Blocks

    As part of our ongoing efforts to maintain and improve the accuracy of the RIPE Registry, we have updated the registrations concerning two legacy /8 IPv4 address blocks: 53/8 and 57/8.

    NewsItem ipv4 announcement