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News and Announcements

  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Confirms Commitment to DNSSEC Deployment in the Root Zone

    16 December 2009 - On 1 December 2009, ICANN and VeriSign began to deploy DNSSEC across the root server system when they signed the root zone using DNSSEC. They noted that the signing would become public from January 2010, when the process of signing each of the 13 root servers in turn would begi

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    RIPE NCC and ARIN Issue Joint Statement on ASN Assignment Discrepancies

    26 November 2009 - Recent discussion on the NANOG mailing list has highlighted some issues with the Autonomous System Number (ASN) range AS1707-AS1726. ARIN and the RIPE NCC have worked together to produce the following analysis of what happened and a plan to resolve these issues moving forward. It

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  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Launches IPv6 Implementation Guide

    With just over 10% of IPv4 address space left, the RIPE NCC launches How to Act Now - a guide to making IPv6 deployment simple. The first ever resource of its kind, How to Act Now provides large and small business and government users with the information necessary to successfully deploy IPv6 in their networks.

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  • About / News
    Changes to RIPE NCC Online Payments

    12 November 2009 - The company handling our secure online payments has changed its name. Triple Deal is now known as docdata payments. Docdata payments handle all credit card payments (American Express, MasterCard and VISA) made to the RIPE NCC. They do not handle bank transfers. How to pay your inv

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  • About / News
    Comment on Press Coverage Linking the RIPE NCC with Criminal Activity

    22 October 2009 - Like all RIRs, the RIPE NCC has a very strict set of guidelines, checklists and a well-constructed due diligence process for accepting applications from prospective LIRs to receive IP address space. Our checklists include the provision of proof that a prospective LIR has the necess

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  • About / News
    RIPE 59 - Meeting Report

    9 October 2009 - The RIPE 59 Meeting took place at the Hotel Corinthia Lisbon, Portugal, from 5-9 October 2010. More than 330 people from 33 different nationalities attended. Read complete meeting report.

    NewsItem ripe meeting news announcement
  • About / News
    Dave Wilson Elected to RIPE Seat on NRO NC

    9 October 2009 - We are pleased to announce that Dave Wilson has been selected by the RIPE community to take the vacant seat on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council (NC). He will serve a three-year term that runs from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2013. Selection took place during t

    NewsItem internet governance aso nro news announcement
  • About / News
    RIPE Labs off the Launch Pad

    6 October 2009 - Following today's announcement during the plenary session at RIPE 59, the RIPE NCC is pleased to announce the launch of RIPE Labs. RIPE Labs is a new platform designed by the RIPE NCC for network operators, developers and industry experts to expose, test and discuss innovative

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  • About / News
    IPv6 PI Assignment to the RIPE NCC

    2 October 2009 - Following the approval of RIPE Policy Proposal 2009-02, "Allocating/Assigning Resources to the RIPE NCC", the RIPE NCC requested that an IPv6 PI assignment be assigned to it for RIPE Meetings. The RIPE NCC pool of arbiters decided, based on RIPE Policy Document ripe-476, "Allocating

    NewsItem arbiters ipv6 news announcement
  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Meeting in Moscow Hailed as a Unique Forum by Regional Internet Experts

    Representatives from regional network operators, telecommunications organisations, vendors, local government and the media gathered in Moscow for the RIPE NCC Regional Meeting. More than 200 attendees participated in the two-day event, which provided a unique opportunity to discuss the latest developments affecting the Internet in the Russian region.

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