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News and Announcements

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    RIPE NCC Brings DNS Security Extensions to Europe to Make the Internet Safer for Users

    Global initiative by the Internet community aims to protect users against phishing and other online scams

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    RIPE Labs 2.0 is Now Live

    In the year since its launch, RIPE Labs has grown into a dynamic resource that allows the RIPE community to present and discuss new Internet-related tools and ideas.

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    Reduction in IPv4 Allocation/Assignment Time Period

    24 June 2010 - From Thursday, 1 July 2010, the RIPE NCC will start to allocate enough IPv4 address space to Local Internet Registries (LIRs) to meet their needs for a period of up to nine months. The RIPE NCC and the LIRs will also start to assign enough address space to meet their needs for a perio

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    RIPE Community Statement on the Internet Address Management System

    17 May 2010 - At the RIPE 60 Meeting on 7 May 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic, the RIPE community issued the following statement: The RIPE community supports all efforts to assist in the deployment of IPv6, especially in developing countries. However, we note concerns being expressed within the ITU b

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    Rob Blokzijl Receives Royal Recognition for his Work as an Internet Pioneer

    Dr. Rob Blokzijl, founding member and Chair of RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens), was made an Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau (Orde van Oranje Nassau) in an official ceremony conducted by the acting Mayor of Amsterdam, Lodewijk Asscher, on 12 May 2010.

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    Nigel Titley and Remco van Mook elected to RIPE NCC Executive Board

    Nigel Titley and Remco van Mook were elected by the membership to take the available seats on the Executive Board.

    NewsItem general meeting executive board news announcement
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    RIPE NCC Operated K-Root Server Distributing Root Zone Signed with DNSSEC

    K-root, one of the 13 root name servers, distributing the root zone signed with DNSSEC as part of a global deployment plan that will see all 13 root zone servers signed by 1 July 2010.

    NewsItem dnssec k-root news
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    RIPE NCC Rolls Out Signed .ARPA Zone

    15 March 2010 - As outlined by Joe Abley, ICANN, on the RIPE DNS Working Group mailing list, the DNS root servers have switched to a signed .ARPA zone this week. As the operator of K-root, the RIPE NCC has rolled out this change during a maintenance window on 15 March 2010 between 09:00-13:00 UTC.

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    Be Heard! APNIC Community Consultation

    Internet address management may be on the brink of change. The ITU (International Telecommunications Union) is studying the creation of an alternative International Internet Registry model to operate in parallel to the existing RIR model.

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  • About / News
    AS Number Assignment to the RIPE NCC

    The RIPE NCC recently requested that it be allowed to assign an Autonomous System (AS) Number to itself for its DNS services.

    NewsItem as numbers arbiters news announcement