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News and Announcements

  • About / News
    Netnod Selected to Host RIPE NCC "Warm Node"

    On 1 July 2013, the RIPE NCC issued a call for organisations willing to host a "warm node" able operate some of the RIPE NCC's critical services in case of a major disaster in the Amsterdam area. In response, we received expressions of interest from 88 organisations, of which 22 submitted a full Request for Proposal (RFP).

    NewsItem ripe ncc ncc services announcement
  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Commits Additional Support to the Internet Governance Forum

    The RIPE NCC has announced that it will provide 50,000 USD in financial support for the upcoming Internet Governance Forum (IGF) event in Bali, Indonesia.

    NewsItem ripe ncc cooperation igf internet governance
  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Responds to UN CSTD Questionnaire on Enhanced Cooperation

    In late 2012, the United Nations General Assembly invited the Chair of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) to establish a working group to examine the mandate of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) regarding "enhanced cooperation".

    NewsItem united nations igf wsis internet governance
  • About / News
    Update on the RIPE NCC Survey 2013

    The RIPE NCC Survey 2013 was conducted in May and June by the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) on behalf of the RIPE NCC.

    NewsItem budget activity plan survey
  • About / News
    The RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI)

    The RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI), which launched at the RIPE 66 Meeting in Dublin, will continue for the RIPE 67 Meeting in Athens from 14-18 October 2013.

    NewsItem raci ripe meeting ripe
  • About / News
    89th Executive Board Meeting - Summary and Minutes

    The RIPE NCC Executive Board had its 89th meeting on 25 June 2013.

    NewsItem ripe ncc activity plan legal membership general meeting executive board budget executive board minutes
  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Report: Law Enforcement Agency Requests in 2012

    In 2012, the RIPE NCC received 21 requests from Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in nine countries. A recently published transparency report details the nature of these requests and the actions that were taken as a result. This report will be published annually from now on.

    NewsItem anti-abuse ripe ncc legal lea
  • About / News
    Request for Trusted Party to Host RIPE NCC "Warm Node"

    The RIPE NCC has undertaken a project, under the guidance and approval of the RIPE NCC Executive Board, to set up a "warm node" that can operate some of the RIPE NCC's critical services in case of a major disaster in the Amsterdam area.

    NewsItem ripe ncc news announcement
  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Launches New Initiatives at EuroDIG 2013

    EuroDIG (the European Dialogue on Internet Governance) held its sixth meeting in Lisbon on 20-21 June 2013, attracting its largest ever audience of more than 600 registered attendees from government, business, civil society and the Internet technical community.

    NewsItem ipv6 eurodig regional meeting igf internet governance
  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Executive Board Meeting 25 June 2013

    The RIPE NCC Executive Board met on 25 June 2013.

    NewsItem general meeting charging scheme executive board membership