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    RIPE NCC Report on the 2013 IGF

    The eighth Internet Governance Forum (IGF) took place in Bali, Indonesia from 22-25 October 2013. The event brought together more than 1,500 people from 111 countries to discuss the future of Internet governance under this year’s theme of “Building Bridges – Enhancing Multi-stakeholder Cooperation for Growth and Sustainable Development.”

    NewsItem igf reports internet governance internet coordination nro news
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    RIPE Chair Dr. Rob Blokzijl Announces Retirement

    On 18 October 2013, Dr. Rob Blokzijl, the founding member and Chair of RIPE, announced that he would step down as RIPE Chair at the conclusion of the RIPE 68 Meeting in Warsaw in May 2014.

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    RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2013

    The RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) was held 16-17 October 2013 adjacent to the RIPE 67 Meeting in Athens. There were 97 attendees, excluding RIPE NCC staff and observers from the other Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

    NewsItem ripe ncc general meeting membership
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    Expansion of Eligible Address Space for Resource Certification (RPKI)

    All address space transferred to the RIPE NCC by other RIRs is now eligible for Resource Certification (RPKI).

    NewsItem ripe ncc certification rpki
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    RIPE NCC Awards Youth Fellowships to Internet Governance Forum

    As part of an ongoing effort to increase youth participation in the global dialogue about Internet governance, the RIPE NCC offers fellowships that allow young people from the RIPE NCC service region to attend regional Internet Governance Forums (IGFs). Thanks to these fellowships, Thijl Klerkx (19) from the Netherlands and Ana Kakalashvili (20) from Georgia attended the second Arab IGF, which took place this week in Algeria.

    NewsItem ripe ncc arab igf internet governance igf news
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    RIPE NCC Member Update October 2013

    The RIPE NCC Member Update October 2013 is now online.

    NewsItem ripe ncc member update
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    Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2014

    The Draft RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2014 is now available for members to review.

    NewsItem ripe ncc general meeting budget activity plan
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    Results of RIPE NCC Survey 2013

    The Oxford Internet Institute (OII) report on the results of the RIPE NCC Survey 2013 is now published. The full report also contains the raw data with all statistics and responses to open questions.

    NewsItem ripe ncc ripe survey
  • About / News
    90th Executive Board Meeting - Summary and Minutes

    The RIPE NCC Executive Board held its 90th meeting on 27 August 2013.

    NewsItem ripe ncc legal general meeting executive board budget executive board minutes
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    RIPE NCC Roundtable Meeting Discusses IETF, Internet Security and RIPE Policy Development

    The RIPE NCC hosted a Roundtable Meeting for Governments and Regulators on Tuesday, 10 September 2013, in Amsterdam, bringing together around 30 participants from governments, regulators and the Internet technical community.

    NewsItem ietf roundtable meeting internet governance