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News and Announcements

  • About / News
    The RIPE NCC Opens Regional Office in Dubai

    On 31 March 2014, the RIPE NCC officially opened its regional office in Dubai.

    NewsItem ripe ncc ae news middle eastern event
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    RIPE Database SSO

    With the RIPE NCC Access single sign-on service, users can log in once and can access many RIPE NCC services. Now, with the new RIPE Database release, users can update their data in the RIPE Database using this single sign-on service.

    NewsItem ripe database news announcement
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    The RIPE Community and the Evolution of the IANA Functions

    On Friday 14 March, the United States Government announced that it intends to transition stewardship of key Internet functions (including the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, or IANA) to the global multi-stakeholder community. It has asked ICANN to facilitate, in consultation with the global multi-stakeholder community, the development of a proposal for the transition.

    NewsItem iana icann internet governance iana stewardship transition news
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    LEA Requests 2013

    The report on law enforcement agency (LEA) requests details the nature of LEA requests to the RIPE NCC and the actions that were taken as a result.

    NewsItem ripe ncc news lea
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    RIPE NCC Hosts Largest Roundtable Meeting To Date

    On Wednesday, 19 February, the RIPE NCC hosted a Roundtable Meeting for Governments and Regulators in Brussels. Around 60 representatives of governments, national regulators and industry participated, making it the largest RIPE NCC Roundtable Meeting to date.

    NewsItem ripe ncc eu 1net itu cooperation roundtable meeting internet governance
  • About / News
    The RIPE NCC Welcomes 10,000th Member

    On 18 February 2014, the RIPE NCC welcomed its 10,000th member into the association.

    NewsItem ripe ncc news membership
  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Member Update January 2014

    The RIPE NCC Member Update January 2014 is now online

    NewsItem ripe ncc member update
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    RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2014

    We are pleased to announce that the RIPE NCC's Activity Plan and Budget for 2014 is now available online.

    NewsItem budget news activity plan
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    91st Executive Board Meeting - Summary and Minutes

    The RIPE NCC Executive Board held its 91st meeting on 12 December 2013.

    NewsItem ripe ncc legal general meeting executive board budget executive board minutes
  • About / News
    NCC Survey 2013 - Key Findings and Proposed Actions

    The RIPE NCC has released a document outlining the key findings from the RIPE NCC Survey 2013 and the actions it proposes to take to address the issues highlighted by RIPE NCC members and other interested parties.

    NewsItem ripe ncc survey