181st Executive Board Meeting Minutes
17-24 February 2025, meeting by email
Author: Daniella Coutinho
Publication date: 11 March 2025
Status: Draft
- Ondřej Filip (OF), Chair
- Maria Häll (MH), Member
- Raymond Jetten (RJ), Treasurer
- Remco van Mook (RvM), Member
- Sander Steffann (SS), Member
- Piotr Strzyżewski (PS), Secretary
- Harald A. Summa (SU), Member
Further to the operationalisation of the RIPE NCC Middle East FZ-LLC, a bank account needs to be opened in the United Arab Emirates. The RIPE NCC Middle East FZ-LLC needs a working capital to become operational and the bank has a requirement regarding a minimum balance when an account is opened.
The RIPE NCC’s Chief Financial Officer, Simon-Jan Haytink, proposed to the Board via email that the requirement be fulfilled through a loan agreement from the RIPE NCC to the RIPE NCC Middle East FZ-LLC.
The terms of the loan are as follows:
- AED 5 Million (+/- EUR 1.3 Million)
- Fully repaid in 4 years
- An interest rate of 5.48% which is at ‘arms length’ as confirmed by tax advisors
Resolution EB#181-R-01
The RIPE NCC Executive Board resolves the provision of a loan from the RIPE NCC to the RIPE NCC Middle East FZ-LLC of AED 5 million (EUR 1.3 million), which will be paid back in full with an annual interest rate of 5.48% within four years.
The resolution was adopted by majority.