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Minutes 63rd Executive Board Meeting

Author: Nick Hyrka
Date: 2008/05/07

Revision No.: 1.4
Status: Final

Maintainer: Sabine Mader


Fahad Alshirawi, Member
Dmitry Burkov, ICANN Liaison
Nigel Titley, Chairman
Andreas Wittkemper, Secretary
János Zsakó, Treasurer
Rob Blokzijl, RIPE Chairman
Axel Pawlik, Managing Director, RIPE NCC
Nick Hyrka, Communications Manager, RIPE NCC


0. Welcome of New Board Members

1. Agenda/Comments (1330)

1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points

1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#62

1.3 Date of Next Meetings

  • agreed: 2 September (superseded by recent planning: 10 September 2008),
  • proposed: 28 October (week of RIPE 58), week 48 or 50)

2. Outstanding Actions (1345)

3. Report from the RIPE NCC (1400)

3.1 Housing 2009, verbal update

4. External Relations (1430)

4.1 NRO


4.3 RIPE

5. Review of Policies under Development (1500)

6. Revised procedure NRO Number Council election / selection (1530)

7. Proposed amendment of NRO MoU to introduce inter-regional policies (1545)

8. Proposed RIR MoU on non-allocation from reclaimed address space (1600)

9. Preparing for planning process 2009 (1615)

9.1 Activities 2009

9.2 Budgetary goals 2009

9.3 Input for drafting charging scheme 2009

10. AOB (1700)

Nigel Titley, RIPE NCC Chairman, opened the meeting at 13:40.

0. Welcome of New Board Members

The Chair welcomed the new Executive Board members.

1. Agenda/Comments (1330)

1.1 Apologies, New Agenda Points

Apologies from Paul Rendek.
No further issues or new agenda points were brought forward. Agenda accepted.

1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes, EB#62

The Board approved the minutes of the previous Executive Board meeting #62 following a text amendment to agenda point 2.1, changing "ICANN" to "NRO".

1.3 Date of Next Meetings

  • agreed: 2 September (superseded by recent planning: 10 September 2008),
  • proposed: 28 October (week of RIPE 58), week 48 or 50)

10 September 2008 was agreed as the next Executive Board meeting date, starting at 13:00, replacing 2 September as earlier proposed.

28 October 2008 (week of RIPE 57) was agreed as the Executive Board meeting date following the 10 September meeting.

1 December 2008 was agreed as the date for the last meeting of the year. Fahad offered to host the Board meeting in Bahrain.

2. Outstanding Actions (1345)

The outstanding actions were reviewed.

3. Report from the RIPE NCC (1400)

Axel sent a written report to the Board, dated 26 May, and asked for comments. The report was briefly commented.

3.2 Housing 2009, verbal update

Axel reported on the housing options for the RIPE NCC.

4. External Relations (1430)

4.1 NRO

Axel reported on his discussions with the NRO Executive Council (EC) members. The Executive Board discussed their attendance at RIR meetings. The Chair noted that at least one Executive Board member should attend and represent the RIPE NCC Board at these meetings. Axel will provide a list of upcoming meetings for the Executive Board to consider.

The Executive Board discussed attendance at the upcoming ICANN meeting in Paris and agreed that, if other RIR representatives attended, a meeting with all should occur. Axel will liaise with the NRO EC members who will attend the ICANN meeting and then arrange a private meeting for the Executive Board and other RIR representatives in Paris.

The Chair stressed the importance of the Executive Board actively responding to the rir-boards mailing list.

There was a discussion on the NRO draft declarative policy statement stating the responsibility of the RIRs for all IANA allocated address space. It was agreed that the Executive Board would comment on the statement and that Nigel will prepare a draft response.

Fahad will produce a proposal to the Executive Board on the distribution of reclaimed IPv4 address space between all RIRs for presentation at the next Executive Board meeting.


There was a discussion over legacy address space and the IANA's responsibilities over it.

4.3 RIPE

Rob Blokzijl provided an update on the preparations for RIPE 57.

5. Review of Policies under Development (1500)

The Chair suggested having a regular review of RIPE policies under development at all Executive Board meetings as they might affect the operations and services of the RIPE NCC. Axel noted that summaries on policy proposals and related discussions are regularly posted to the Executive Board.

Rob provided an update to the RIPE Policy Development Process.

The board had a brief discussion of current RIPE policies under development.

Following from policy proposal 2007-01, there was a discussion on the Articles of Association.

Axel to provide the Executive Board with a draft of changes to the Articles of Association, including the new Associate Member category without voting rights, revised charging scheme that includes the new member category, the possibility of electronic voting schemes for use at the General Meetings, and a review of alternative voting mechanisms including options for changes to the proxy function.
Deadline: 15 July 2008.

6. Revised procedure NRO Number Council election / selection (1530)

Axel explained the election/selection process for the NRO NC seats in the RIPE NCC service region and suggested making the process more transparent. The Executive Board agreed. The RIPE NCC will update the process documentation and send an announcement to the membership describing the changes.

7. Proposed amendment of NRO MoU to introduce inter-regional policies (1545)

The Executive Board agreed that the proposal should be revised. Axel will take the Executive Board's concerns to the NRO EC.

8. Proposed RIR MoU on non-allocation from reclaimed address space (1600)

The issue was discussed under topic 4.1.

9. Preparing for planning process 2009 (1615)

9.1 Activities 2009

Axel will provide the Executive Board with the Draft Activity Plan 2009 for their review, prior to the next Executive Board meeting. He thanked the Board for feedback received during the Board retreat.

There was a discussion on activities by the RIPE NCC that presently do not generate significant income. The Executive Board agreed that it was interested in diversification of income, with a view on likely upcoming changes.

9.2 Budgetary goals 2009

Axel will provide the Executive Board with the Draft Budget 2009 for their review, prior to the next Executive Board meeting.

9.3 Input for drafting charging scheme 2009

There was a discussion on the Charging Scheme 2009 with the inclusion of the new member category. There was agreement that the current membership fees should not change with the exception of including PI assignments permanently into the fee-calculating algorithm. Axel will provide the Executive Board with the draft of the updated charging scheme before the next Executive Board meeting.

10. AOB (1700)


The Chairman closed the meeting at 16:00.