Databases Synchronization Proposal
Daniel Karrenberg
Fri Mar 10 13:47:35 CET 1995
> bmanning at ISI.EDU (Bill Manning) writes: > > > > If you want to do timestamping you need synchronized clocks (use NTP) and > > you need to agree to run at least your timestampers in the same time zone > . > > The right choice of time zone is UTC. > > > > --jon. > > All very true. However... we can't mandate that everyone particpating the > the IRR run an NTP syncronized server where their portion of the DB sits. > (as an aside, PST or WET is just as good as UTC nee GMT, as long as we all > agree.) > > I expect that what we really want is something more along the lines of > the work being done in the dynamic update/ Incremental transfer areas > of BIND... It even includes some neato things like authentication of > specific RR's. And as I recall, DNS does not require NTP syncronized > servers... at least not yet :) Bill, Jon, don't do overkill yet! An expedient and sufficient soloution is to use sequence numbers to detect missing and out-of-order updates and a timestamp to be able to roughly synchronise databases in time. This does not need millisecond or even second accuracy, does it? Daniel -------- Logged at Fri Mar 10 20:42:14 MET 1995 ---------
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