Databases Synchronization Proposal
Bill Manning
Thu Mar 9 05:19:13 CET 1995
> > If you want to do timestamping you need synchronized clocks (use NTP) and > you need to agree to run at least your timestampers in the same time zone. > The right choice of time zone is UTC. > > --jon. All very true. However... we can't mandate that everyone particpating the the IRR run an NTP syncronized server where their portion of the DB sits. (as an aside, PST or WET is just as good as UTC nee GMT, as long as we all agree.) I expect that what we really want is something more along the lines of the work being done in the dynamic update/ Incremental transfer areas of BIND... It even includes some neato things like authentication of specific RR's. And as I recall, DNS does not require NTP syncronized servers... at least not yet :) --bill -------- Logged at Thu Mar 9 11:15:50 MET 1995 ---------
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